![]() 'The Life and Times of Naomi Wildman': Scarlett's Appearances on Star Trek: Voyager
Season 5 The Delta Flyer encounters an ion storm and is forced to crashland on a planet. Naomi's mother Samantha is on board and is badly injured. Naomi, back on Voyager, is not told, and is kept occupied by Neelix, but as time passes she gets more suspicious. The night before Neelix is going to tell Naomi that the shuttle has crashed, she wakes up in her sleep and walks onto the bridge, and is shocked to learn of the shuttle crash. Before anyone can stop her, Naomi runs and hides in the Flotter holodeck program. Neelix explains that he hid the truth from her to stop her feeling as bad as he did when he lost his family in the Metreon Cascade. The shuttle is retrieved, and Naomi is reunited with her mother. Episode Summary: A bioplasmic lifeform attempts to eat Voyager. With the crew incapacitated, it's up to Seven of Nine, Naomi Wildman, and the 'local monster expert' Qatai to save the ship. Scarlett's Character's Role: In this episode, Scarlett's character helps to save Voyager from the alien life form, and helps Seven to counteract the hallucinating crew's attempts to stop her saving the ship. Episode Summary: Capt. Janeway decides to steal a transwarp coil from a damaged Borg Sphere. The Borg Queen threatens to assimilate Voyager if Seven doesn't rejoin the Borg. Scarlett's Character's Role: In this episode, Scarlett's character suggests a plan to rescue Seven from the Borg. Episode Summary: A Borg Vinculum interacts with Seven of Nine's implants. However, instead of reintegrating her into the collective as it is designed to do, it gives her 'the Borg equivalent of multiple personality disorder'. Scarlett's Character's Role: Scarlett's character attempts to emulate Seven in this episode, in order to achieve her goal of becoming Captain's Janeway's Bridge Assistant. Naomi has a game of Kadis'kot with Seven, while Seven is possessed by a fun-loving personality. At the end of the episode, Seven gives Naomi PADDs of data which she 'will find relevant' as Bridge Assistant. In addition, Seven asks Naomi to teach her how to play Kadis'kot, to which she replies, 'I will comply'. Episode Summary: The Doctor discovers deletions in his program and sets a trap to discover who is responsible. The Captain is the one implementing the deletions, and the Doctor confronts her. She reveals the memories that have been deleted, of the Doctor having to make a choice between two patients when he only had time to save one. This caused a conflict in his program. She claims that she deleted the files to remove the conflict, but the crew concludes that he has the right to keep the memories. Scarlett's Character's Role: In this episode, Scarlett's character is given holographic bioscans by the Doctor. Episode Summary: A Federation vessel is encountered by Voyager, whose crew have been killing lifeforms for the purposes of getting home faster. They attack Voyager when their crimes are on the verge of being discovered, and Captain Janeway pledges to stop the atrocities at all costs. Scarlett's Character's Role: In this episode, 'Captain's Assistant' Naomi Wildman is responsible for giving the Equinox crew a tour of Voyager's lower decks and for allocating quarters and replicator rations. She is seen in the Mess Hall with the crews of Voyager and Equinox. Season 6 Episode Summary: Three members of Seven's Borg unimatrix come aboard Voyager while it is docked at the Marconian Outpost. They attempt to take information regarding a neural link from Seven of Nine, and when they fail, she attempts to break the neural link between them. Scarlett's Character's Role: In this episode, Naomi and Seven have lunch together, and talk in Astrometrics. Episode Summary: While escaping from Turei vessels, Voyager lands on a planet and awakens a previously-thought-extinct alien race, the Vaadwaur. This race has been in stasis for 900 years since their planet was attacked and civilisation destroyed. The Vaawaur claim that a network of subspace corridors, by which Voyager arrived at the planet, were once used by them to explore space and share knowledge, but they were actually used to conquer other races. The Vaadwaur plan to take over Voyager to rebuild their lost empire, but the Turei assist Voyager when they hear that the Vaadwaur still exist. Scarlett's Character's Role: During this episode, some Vaadwaur children are abusive about Neelix behind his back. Naomi overhears the children, and is upset about this. She confides her feelings in Neelix. Episode Summary: In this episode, Voyager acts as a third magnet pole for a planet where time moves far more quickly than normal. Scarlett's Character's Role: Scarlett's character writes a report on the phenomenon, entitled 'The Weird Planet Where Time Moved Very Fast And So Did The People Who Lived There'. Episode Summary: Ensign Lindsey Ballard, who has been resurrected from the dead by an alien race, the Kobali, returns to Voyager. However, she finds it difficult to fit in there, due to extensive modifications to her genetic code. Meanwhile, Seven of Nine experiences difficulties in her role as guardian to the Borg children. Scarlett's Character's Role: In this episode, Scarlett's character plays Kadis'kot with the Borg children. Episode Summary: Icheb's homeworld is located, and after a couple of days with his parents, decides to remain with them. Seven has difficulty accepting Icheb's departure from the ship, and thanks in part to Mezoti's recollection of Icheb's assimilation, Seven determines that something is amiss. Voyager returns to Icheb's planet, only to discover Icheb on a transport vessel heading towards a Borg transwarp conduit. He carries a Borg-destroying pathogen. Voyager saves Icheb and continues on it's journey. Scarlett's Character's Role: Scarlett's character appears in a scene with the Borg children. She is playing Kadis'kot with Azan and Rebi, and all the children are discussing what might happen if Icheb left Voyager. Episode Summary: Kes returns to Voyager intent on destroying the ship, believing that Captain Janeway made Kes a bad person. Kes travels back through time after killing B'Elanna, and is killed in the past by Capt. Janeway. She, Tuvok and the past Kes devise a plan to stop Kes in the future, and the plan works. Kes' faith in the Voyager crew is restored and Lt. Torres does not die. Scarlett's Character's Role: Scarlett's character appears as one of Tuvok's visions of the future in this episode. Episode Summary: An alien monument projects memories of a massive atrocity to the Voyager crew. The memories are fragmented, and when the crew investigate, they discover the monument is malfunctioning, and repair it to working order. Scarlett's Character's Role: Scarlett's character is 'protected' from the war by an hallucinating Neelix, but this 'protection' only serves to scare Naomi. She is rescued from Neelix by Commander Chakotay. Episode Summary: Seven of Nine develops a device to download information to herself directly via her Borg alcove. However, she downloads too much data and generates conspiracies to explain it, almost turning the Captain against her First Officer. However the problem is solved by Janeway, who presents evidence to counter her conspiracy theories. Scarlett's Character's Role: Scarlett's character is ordered by Seven to tell whoever she is working for (i.e. is she with the Captain's plot to conquer the Delta Quadrant or Chakotay's to revive the Maquis) that they're too late. Season 7 Episode Summary: Voyager is split into 37 time frames by a temporal anomaly. Commander Chakotay is injured, and the Doctor's treatment allows him to pass between time frames, something noone else on the ship can do. With the help of the past Captain Janeway, Lt. Torres, Seven of Nine, the future Naomi and Icheb, and the neural gel pack network, Chakotay reintegrates the ship into a single time frame. Scarlett's Character's Role: Icheb and Scarlett's character assemble a LCARS DNA jigsaw puzzle in the cargo bay in this episode. Episode Summary: Voyager encounters a Talaxian colony while on it's way home. Neelix helps defend the colony from aggressive miners who want to destroy the asteroid inside of which the colony is located. He decides to leave Voyager to join the colony. Scarlett's Character's Role: Naomi's role in this episode is diverse: she helps Neelix organise the First Contact Day Celebrations, works on a paper on protohumanoid cultures, greets Dexa and Brax when they board Voyager, goes with Dexa to the holodeck to run Tom Paris' 'scary' new holoprogram 'Invaders from the Ninth Dimension', and plays Kadis'kot with Brax and Dexa before taking pride-of-place next to Captain Janeway at the door to the shuttlebay when Neelix leaves Voyager. This is Scarlett's last appearance on Star Trek: Voyager. |